January 13, 2010

10 day vacation

Sorry for the hiatus! I was enjoying my 10 day vacation by sleeping in late and doing tourist-y things with my friends. I didn't spend much time at my computer at all, which was nice. We happened to have wonderful weather here in Moscow, including five sunny days!

This is the first time I've had an actual vacation from work - when I was teaching figure skating, I would only have a few days off - and I would actually work more over the holidays because kids were off from school. This ten day break was quite nice, but it was VERY difficult to get back into the work mentality on Monday. Now I'm finally ready to work, and I leave in three days to return to America to get a new visa! I'll be there for two weeks. My grand total of working days in January is four... yes, four! It's nice on one hand, but on the other, how hard is it going to be to start working again in February?

I'm off to work now, actually - and I promise I'll post more regularly from now on! I'll update this later with some pictures and descriptions of the places I visited over the holidays.


Robert aka Loquacious said...

Greetings Ashira,

Yes, the 10 days after New Year's is a great time to relax, something the USA should adopt!

Best wishes for a good trip home and back.

If it seems OK to you, maybe you could add a link for American Russia

Bon Voyage!


Trotter said...

Hi Ashira! Sorry for the delay, but a new year always brings new troubles... ;)
Four days? Great month!!! ;))

Meanwhile a new blog is born: Blogtrotter Two! Hope you enjoy at least as much as the previous version and look forward to reading your comments!
Have a great Sunday!!! Gil

Unknown said...

Hi Ashira!

i must compliment you on an amazingly honest and insightful blog.

I'll be moving to moscow in a few months and your experience will be of great help.

mukul arya
p.s. i don't have a blog (not much of a writer) but i am on facebook.
mukul arya