September 30, 2009

And so it begins...

Tomorrow, October 1st, marks 18 days until I leave - wow! The last two and a half weeks have all but flown by, which I suppose isn't really such a bad thing. I've enjoyed being ridiculously lazy, spending time just lounging around the house, not having to put on makeup or be anywhere in particular. I've enjoyed a couple days where I've gone no farther than the little convenience store - 4 minutes away by car. I've made sure to drive at least once per day, even if I have nowhere to go...
All of that was nice while it lasted, but it's time to kick it up a notch - in just two and a half more weeks, I'll be boarding a plane to Moscow!!

In some ways, it seems like I have a lot left to do, in others, not much at all. My most time consuming effort will be figuring out how to take exactly 23 kilo of luggage per large suitcase (2 of them), 10 kilo for my carry on, and as much weight as possible in my wonderfully large purse! Luckily coming from America I'm allowed two 23 kilo suitcases, rather than the measly European rule of one 20 kilo suitcase. Other big tasks are running around to a few different stores to stock up on things I can't get in Moscow, selling things to try to make a few bucks before I go, and fixing the clothes that I've been neglecting to repair (translation - having my lovely talented mom fix them for me :) it pays to have a seamstress in the family!) The actual to do list is considerably longer than that - but those are the most time consuming pieces of it.

So, I've thoroughly enjoyed my vacation, but now it's time for slightly crazy moving mode to begin. Full blown crazy moving mode will commence in about a week!
Stay tuned : )


Alida Sharp said...

I wish you well on your move!!

Galaxy6139 said...

haha, wish you would have a nice trip... you should weigh all of your luggages (by a balance) to make sure they would not be over weight (that would make you in trouble in air port ^^)

Waiting for your new experience in Moscow ^^

GMG said...

Hi Ashira! Profiting from today’s holiday – the 99th anniversary of the Republic in Portugal - I’m happy to have some more time to surf the net and enjoy your blog!
I'm looking forward to read your impressions and see your pictures from Moscow!!

Meanwhile Blogtrotter is showing you Antalya. Enjoy and have a great week!

Phil Hawley said...


I saw your blog after looking around the for the first time in ages.

Anyway, good to see a fellow photographer coming over to Moscow to live. How long are you planning to stay? What area of the city are you looking at moving to?

Feel free to drop me an email, address is on my blog.

