December 4, 2009

The Joy of Shoes

I have winter boots that are not only comfortable, but warm and heel-less! And, not horrifically expensive. I can't go so far as to say they were cheap, but they were a good price for Moscow, so I'm happy. And have I mentioned they're comfortable? They also have nice grippy soles for the ice that the streets will be covered with soon enough.

Shoes and I don't have a good relationship - I have ridiculously narrow feet, and finding shoes that fit is such a challenge! I'm also really picky about what I like and don't like - and this time, shoes without heels was a must. My friend took me to one of the small shoe places by her house, and I tried on half their winter boots, literally! The ladies just kept handing me pair after pair of boots - and besides not liking a bunch of them - NONE fit. Last night, we went to another store, and I got lucky! I got the display model of the boots, as it was the last pair that they had! I even got a small discount because one is missing a string at the top, which doesn't matter because it's just there for decoration.

So, now I'm set for the impending winter. After being +9 C (48 F) on Wednesday, the temperature has been dropping slowly. It looks like it will be hovering around -3 to 0 C (26-32 F) for the next week or so, with a chance of snow on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to snow, rather than the miserable rain we've been having. At least then things will look pretty until it melts all over everything and turns into slykat, which is a mess of snow, pollution, and chemicals... lovely, huh?


The Expatresse said...

My wonderful flat boots came from an Ecco shop near Lubyanka. I tried on EVERYTHING in the shop. The clerks were so patient. My feet are biggish (40/41) and I have arthritis in one big toe which makes heels a thing of the past. You'd also be amazed at how many shoes put pressure on that joint. Sigh.

irinapictures said...

I doubt there will be any cold at all. Wish you were right about soon winter. Looks like only warm grey days lay ahead.. Last winter I put my winter boots twice :-))
I am glad you are blogging. Can we already decide which days are yours and which days are mine in "Moscow blog" posting? If you are not ready yet, no problem!

Alida Sharp said...

So glad that you found a good pair of boots! I cannot imagine life here without mine. Warm feet in the winter are not a luxury but a priority for me!

Jason said...

I like your travel blog here. I have one as well which I hope to be a good resource for those looking to go on vacation. I'd like to exchange links with you and help spread some traffic around.

Please let me know if this is possible.
