February 20, 2010

How Moscow Does Snow Removal

This is how Moscow does snow removal. Shovel all the snow, pile it up in a dumpster, and then dump it somewhere else! They only do this for walkways and roads, parking lots still have traditional mountains of snow that children turn into slides! I'll take some pictures of how high some of the snowpiles are and post them within the next couple of days. 
Now the real question is, where do they take all of that snow?


Les Barr said...

Over here in the USA, I think that the same thing is done when there is a heavy snow storm. The snow is removed from the streets, dumped into a dump truck, and hauled away to the river.

Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

Moscow melts the snow and cleans it to dump back into the river. Moscow has a snow melting plant for this very purpose. Russia Today has a very good video on the subject...


Trotter said...

Hi Ashira! March has arrived and maybe this awful winter will be gone...
Too much snow for my taste...

Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is still in Haiti, now at Malfini Beach. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!