November 18, 2010

One Year Ago

Exactly one year ago I stepped off a plane at Sheremetyevo Airport and began my adventure in Moscow. There was about an inch of snow on the ground, and the temperature was hovering around freezing. There was no gate for the plane to pull into, so we were loaded onto a bus and dropped off outside of the terminal. After waiting in the seemingly endless lines at passport control, I collected my luggage and found the driver sent by the company I was working for at the time. After a  long drive (half of which was spent in a typical Moscow traffic jam... welcome to Moscow!), I arrived at my apartment.

The location of the apartment was quite a surprise for me, as I had thought it was going to be in a completely different area than it was! It was late when I arrived, so I met my roommate (another teacher) and her friends, called home to tell my parents I made it safely, then fell into bed to get some much needed sleep. It had been a long trip, but I was finally in Moscow!

Check back tomorrow for more on my story, and to find out what happened on day 2 in Moscow! I plan to do a comparison between my life now and on the same day 1 year ago, since I didn't blog much about it then. As for today, I taught like usual, and then treated myself to a walk around Red Square and Alexandrovsky Sad in the evening. A nice way to celebrate my one year anniversary of living in Moscow!


Trotter said...

Hi Ashira! Congrats on your anniversary... assuming you're enjoying your life there... ;)

Blogtrotter Two is facing the legendary question: «What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?»
Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Pam Lane said...

Congratulations Ashira! I look forward to seeing more of Moscow through a visitor's eyes.